Barjac Ombree

Barjac Ombree by Urike Voelcker, self published, I purchased my copy from Barbara Fay for 40 Euro.
Hard cover, full colour, 130 pages fooscap, in German and English.
The name Barjac Ombree comes from the fact that Ulrike purchased 3 Continue reading

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Lace not lace

 Lace Not Lace: Contemporary Fiber Art from Lacemaking Techniques. Eds Elena Kanagy-Loux, , Amy Mills, Nancy Neff. Soft cover, 76 pp. ISBN: 978-1-7326224-0-1, 2018, Devon Thein, Hunterdon Art Museum, Openwork Imprint. Purchased from Booktopia, $69.

This book is an Continue reading

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Ebb n Flow

Ebb ‘n’ Flow: Lace, Place, and Climate. Jane Atkinson, 2018. Soft cover, 64 pp. ISBN 978-0-9551512-2-4. Webfoot Books, Christchurch, Dorset. From the author, £17.

This is the book of the exhibition of the same name and features the wonderful “brackish” Continue reading

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Tatting in My Pocket


Tatting in my Pocket


Just a small selection from “Pocket Poems” written mainly through promptings from the international lacemaking chat group, Arachne.


There are tatters in Australia

I’ve been told the kangaroo

Has tatting in her pocket Continue reading

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