Tatting in My Pocket


Tatting in my Pocket


Just a small selection from “Pocket Poems” written mainly through promptings from the international lacemaking chat group, Arachne.


There are tatters in Australia

I’ve been told the kangaroo

Has tatting in her pocket

But I don’t believe that’s true.


There are tatters in New Zealand

The Land of the Long White Cloud

They have tatting in their pockets

It’s a craft of which they’re proud


There are tatters here in Cooma

Just a few of us about.

But we have tatting in our pockets

And are proud to bring it out.


There are tatters on the internet.

They’re not a dying breed!

They keep tatting in their pockets

To bring out in times of need.


If one in four is crazy

And the whole world’s going mad,

If you’ve got tatting in your pocket

Then life can’t be all bad!


There are tatters down in Adelaide

At the international “meet”

They’ve got tatting in their pockets

But put it back to eat.



Bobbin lacing is addictive

It’s a challenge, not a pain.

But I’ve tatting in my pocket,

To help to keep me sane.


Some people go for Glad Bags

Some use a glasses case.

But tatting in the pocket

Is a very handy place.


Autumn winds are blowing,

Leaves of red and gold in bands.

There’s tatting in my pocket,

But mittens on my hands.


You can tat too with a needle

Then you never need to flip.

But don’t put it in your pocket,

You’ll do damage to your hip!


The diet now is working

I look better front and back

‘cause there’s tatting in my pocket,

Far better than a snack!


There’s laundry in the washroom tub,

There’s dishes in the sink.

But there’s tatting in my pocket

It all can wait, I think.


Please feel free to compose your own four line stanza.  The only rule is the third line should contain “tatting” and “pocket”…Noelene