Knypplade Bilder, Swedish Lace Motifs.
by Ulka Fagerlin – Biorgitta Hulterstrom
This book is for experienced lacemakers it says in the introduction, the patterns can be used for greeting cards. It has small patterns, each Continue reading →
Kloppelschals in edlen Garnen
Chales en fils nobles
12 Modelle by Elke Marx and Marianne Geibendorfer
In German and French, and I’ll be looking for some help with translations.
ISBN 3-927598-33-X.
Soft cover, longer than A4 Continue reading →
Japanese Bobbin lace by Ichiko Mitsuhiro
ISBN 4 529 04008 9
In Japanese – exceptions being some stitches and the identity of types of lace pictured at the front of the book. Identifies – Russian lace, Continue reading →
Bobbin Lace Jewellery and Accessories I by Lia Looga of Estonia
Text in Estonian, English and German
Hard cover, 11 pages, full colour pictures
Purchased from Barbara Fay, Germany, 39.00 Euros.