Kloppelschals in edlen Garnen


Kloppelschals in edlen Garnen

Kloppelschals in edlen Garnen
Chales en fils nobles
12 Modelle by Elke Marx and Marianne Geibendorfer
In German and French, and I’ll be looking for some help with translations.
ISBN 3-927598-33-X.
Soft cover, longer than A4 size, in colour.  10 Euros from Barbara Fay.
69 pages, containing 12 different scarf patterns made from thicker silks, linens, and fantasy yarns.
Full size colour prickings, which take up many of the pages.
Some of the scarves resemble traditional weaving techniques, some are rather weird and modern.
Interesting ideas, but nothing I feel I have to make straight away.
