An Early Lace Workbook

An Early Lace Workbook

Bobbin Lace Techniques before the Baroque

By Rosemary Shepherd.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Ligeti.

A4.  Soft cover.  84 pages.  Published by Lace Daisy Press with Lace Press Australia.

ISBN  978-0-9591235-4-8

This is a Continue reading

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Lace Birds

Lace Birds
by Ulla Fagerlin and Brigitta Hulsterstrom
Published by Barbara Fay, Germany.
This lovely book is on birds, 25 in all, and all in their natural colours.
The working instructions are very clear due to the illustrations, even if Continue reading

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Tatted Snowflakes

Tatted Snowflakes
By Vida Sunderman

This is a 32 page soft cover book in the Dover Needlework series of 40 tatted snowflakes and was first published in 1995. Each snowflake is illustrated, I think my favourites are the two 3D Continue reading

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Threads for Lace Ed 5

Threads for Lace  Edition 5.
By Brenda Paternoster.
Self published by Brenda in 2009.
Edition 6 just rec’d by Brenda from printer, stand by for news on availability!

“A survey and comparison of 1,425 lacemaking and other threads”.
The Continue reading

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27 Earring Patterns

27EarringPatterns27 Earring Patterns for pierced and unpierced ears.
A Lace Guild Publication available from the UK Lace Guild.
A5 format, coloured, cardboard cover. 52 pages. 10 pnds 92p including overseas postage.
Another of the UK Lace Guild’s most useful little Continue reading

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More Bookmarks

More Bookmarks

More Bookmarks

More Bookmarks, published by the U.K. Lace Guild
A5 format, coloured, cardboard cover. 32 pages.  9 Pnds 94p including overseas postage.
A most useful little booklet, containing 21 bookmarket patterns.  Mainly Torchon, but also Honiton, Beds, Continue reading

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