Threads for Lace Edition 5.
By Brenda Paternoster.
Self published by Brenda in 2009.
Edition 6 just rec’d by Brenda from printer, stand by for news on availability!
“A survey and comparison of 1,425 lacemaking and other threads”.
The concept is simple. In the first half of the book, Brenda lists all threads alphabetically by makers name. She then gives three columns of figures: First, the size of the thread as given by the manufacturer. Then the type of spin of the thread, whether an “S” or a “Z” twist, and how many plies. And finally, how many wraps per centimetre it will measure (in other words, how many times can you wrap it around a 1cm base marked on a pencil or bobbin neck), or “w/cm”..
In the second half of the book, Brenda lists all the threads again, this time by their w/pc, starting with the thickest. So if your pattern calls for say Brok 32/2, and you don’t have or can’t get this thread, you look it up in the first half of the book and see that it is 31 w/cm. You then look up “31 w/cm” in the back and find a list of 17 other threads which all measure the same. And if there’s nothing there suitable, you can go a wrap or two either side – 29 or 30, and 32 and 33, to see if there’s anything there you might have. And if you still strike out, you can look up what thread you DO have in w/cm, and using the formula on page 12 of the book, find out how to enlarge or shrink your pricking on a photocopier to suit.
There are also several pages of extremely useful basic information on threads in general at the beginning.
The other wonderful thing is that Brenda welcomes people to send her samples of new (or very old) threads, which she will measure and put on her website in the form of an addendum to the book, freely available to all. All old addenda are there, so if you have an earlier version of the book, you can always print out her addenda to keep up to date.
Brenda deserves a medal for this book. Instead, I wrote a poem in her honour, which pleased her immensely. It’s on this website under “Poetry”.
……Noelene 6/3/2015