A series of comments about books including mistakes and misprints. An extensive list of websites. Some translations in French and Geman. A list of museums and comments. Free graph paper that can be downloaded from the web.
How many bobbins you need to start off and starting off. Winding bobbins and how much thread to use. Grids and threads and hexagonal and sectional patterns.
How Many?
Working out how many pairs of bobbins are required for Torchon Continue reading →
Includes information about making and characteristics of timber bobbins, acrylic bobbins, spangling bobbins, (jewellery with spangling wire), square bobbins, bone bobbins, paper bobbins, aluminium and glass bobbins, plastic bobbins, hooked bobbins, beads, decals, suggestions for using and mending broken Continue reading →
In France, we pronounce Binche like “bench” without the “t” sound.
Rosemary Shepherd pronounces it “Baachnce”….but I’ve heard all sorts of other pronunciations.
Sounds like “banch” to say the word Binche
Pat Earnshaw, in “A Dictionary of Lace” describes Binche Continue reading →
Neue Kloppelideen fur Torchonspitzen
By Katharina Egger. Published 2000.
ISBN 3-258-06058-4
Hard cover, bit bigger than A5. Colour pictures, black and white diagrams.
112 pages, plus some prickings on separate sheets in paper sleeve front and back, and a Continue reading →
Nur Torchon?
By Inge Theuerkauf. Published 1999, original price 30.17 Euros.
No ISBN number.
Hard cover, A4, black and white with some colour diagrams.
64 pages, plus some prickings on separate sheets in plastic sleeve at back.
In German Continue reading →