Magic Threads

magic threads

Magic Threads

Magic Threads by Christine Springett
Published by C&D Springett.

My copy bought through Holly van Sciver in the USA for $US14.95 plus postage

An A5 soft cover book of 48 pages.
Christine starts with a a couple Continue reading

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Lace and Colour

lace and colour

Lace and Colour

Spitze in Fabre (Lace and Colour) by Christine Mirecki 2011
Purchased from Barbara Fay.

There are prickings for 14 scarves worked in Natural Shantung-Yaspe, Tussah-Siede or Pagoda-Siede silk.
The basic techniques and stitches are Torchon with a Continue reading

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Kuchen Spitzen

kuchen spitzem

Kuchen Spitzen

Gekloppeltes fur Schrank, Tisch und Fenster.

ISBN 3-89798-105-4
Folder, 7 pages of prickings with an 8 page full colour photo booklet.

….Jenny B, Kununurra


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