I have finished the fan and now have to mount it, the small leaf sticks have holes to enable me to attach it but the two outside main sticks have none. Do I Continue reading →
Supplies and suppliers, and knitted tablecloth patterns.
Lace Knitting
I have a friend who wants to do some Shetland lace knitting with projects which require ‘finest lace weight Shetland yarn’ or ‘Shetland lace weight yarn’. Has anyone heard Continue reading →
In Bucks Point – you work a stitch (cross and 3 twists), put up the pin, – and move on to the next stitch – NO stitch after the pin. Your left Continue reading →
You were wondering where to measure the distance between pinholes on a circular/
quarter circle pattern. If the pattern is well designed (and is Torchon), the “vertical” distance between pinholes in about the middle of the pricking should be Continue reading →
Using gimps, joining with magic threads, losing twist and carrying spare pairs.
l have started Elwyn’s first pattern but using her large pricking, when you were doing your pythagorous tree you were telling me you found a way to do Continue reading →
“inner pin” and “outer pin” edge
Q: – Can anyone define what Anna magazine means by an “inner pin” and “outer pin” edge.
I’ve got an Continue reading →