They are written by Sandi Woods (Milanese Lace) and Jean Mary Eke (Brugge (tape style with fillings). And book one mentions Angela Brown and Joke Sinclair (bucks and Beds). Sandi’s work I can write with experience is do able, but some Milanese lace experience would help and how Sandi uses colour.
Part one “A Very English Lace”: the Beds piece is tiny, but no leaves; the bucks piece if you have made some would be easy to do and is a Bucks continuous strip to go onto a babies dress.
The Near Pavilion Sandi’s piece is the Pavilion with a blue bird. Again knowledge with Milanese would help. Jean’s piece is a small piece with Brugge Techniques could be fiddly, but looks like fun to do.
The next two I have are the Pomegranates in bobbin lace. There is a piece of Tudor lace in gold, some Brugge is basic.
These books are well worth working through in my opinion, but not if you have not done some basics in each style. They are not hard in what I can see. Good luck in getting them as I know Sandi and the other authors no longer work together and any new books by Sandi she arranges for printing herself.
….. Linda McC 12/9/15