by Christine Mirecki (Milanese Lace – a Modern Interpretation)
Published 2009
A4 size, hard cover. 63 pages, in German (English translation is available from the internet)
Purchased from Barbara Fay for 34 Euros.
The first chapter shows several Milanese braids with very clear working diagrams.
The patterns cover small and larger motifs which can be mounted on clothing, bags, etc; round, square and oval all lace mats, borders for small and larger items to be mounted on fabric, curtain border and 3 colourful scarves.
All the patterns – unusual for Milanese Lace – have thread movement diagrams for the whole pattern, these can also be used as the pricking so enabling les adventurous Lacemakers to have a go at this braid lace.
Lacemakers who enjoy using colour should enjoy using these patterns as colour is used extensively throughtout the book.