Introducing Traditional Beds in 20 Lessons
Introducing Traditional Bedfordshire Lace in 20 Lessons
By Barbara Underwood,
Published by Ruth Bean Publishers, England, 2006. 116 pages, hard cover.
ISBN 0-903585-27-8
This book begins with a brief outline of Bedfordshire lace, including the Cluny connection. There is a short section outlining the basics. Then 20 lessons, starting with the basic 9 pin edge though to a gorgeous floral bookmark. Some lessons have lots of bobbins for small medallion style pieces, while lessons 7 to 10 can be joined to make a ring pillow. Other projects include round and square boarders, insertions and 3 bookmarks. The diagrams are clear and easy to follow, although I have found a couple of questions within the prickings. The colour plate in the middle of the book provides a sumptuous taste of the included projects. At a workshop with Barbara, I was able to use the text as a reference point to complete a different project, having not managed the course beforehand. Well worth the effort.