Introducing Traditional Beds in 20 Lessons

20 lessons

Introducing Traditional Beds in 20 Lessons

Introducing Traditional Bedfordshire Lace in 20 Lessons
By Barbara Underwood,
Published by Ruth Bean Publishers, England, 2006. 116 pages, hard cover.
ISBN 0-903585-27-8
This book begins with a brief outline of Bedfordshire lace, including the Cluny connection. There is a short section outlining the basics. Then 20 lessons, starting with the basic 9 pin edge though to a gorgeous floral bookmark. Some lessons have lots of bobbins for small medallion style pieces, while lessons 7 to 10 can be joined to make a ring pillow. Other projects include round and square boarders, insertions and 3 bookmarks. The diagrams are clear and easy to follow, although I have found a couple of questions within the prickings. The colour plate in the middle of the book provides a sumptuous taste of the included projects. At a workshop with Barbara, I was able to use the text as a reference point to complete a different project, having not managed the course beforehand. Well worth the effort.