Early Laces by Gil Dye

These 3 small books are a joy to read.  They are filled with history, as well as photos, patterns, and working diagrams.  They are great to just sit and read, besides making the lace from her patterns.

Mrs Dye has studied the Early Laces in collections, museums, and portrait paintings, and has reproduced the lace as closely as possible.  She has even made her own spangles (sequins) to try to replicate the lace decorations as closely as possible.  She refers to Le Pompe, and New Modelbuch, and has worked lace from their patterns, too.

Pictures of the original lace, and a bit about it is with each pattern and working diagram, and the back pages of the book are filled with prickings of similar laces.  Her prickings are precise, and her working diagrams are very clear.

If you are interested in the Early Laces, then these books are gems.  I believe they are available direct from the author at http://earlylace.wordpress.com/home/.

…..Liz in Melbourne
