
Using gimps, joining with magic threads, losing twist and carrying spare pairs.

l have started Elwyn’s first pattern but using her large pricking, when you were doing your pythagorous tree you were telling me you found a way to do Continue reading

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I haven’t done the Flanders with Nadine, but Petronella Wensing taught me to tie a little knot with the second pair entering or leaving a woven cloth-stitch section ……. this is much more difficult with spangled bobbins (though Continue reading

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Filet Lace

Filet and buratto lace stitches and finishing

Filet Lace
I have only done the linen stitch – weaving one way and then the other.  Edge stitch (or Hidden stitch as it is sometimes called) too, of course. My Continue reading

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Dutch lace

Pottenkant, Antwerp or Dutch lace characteristics and information about a Dutch lace workshop.

Pottenkant or Dutch Lace

Also called Antwerp lace, I believe. The 6 pointed star mesh is Kat Stitch. – or Point de Paris.

I wonder what Continue reading

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Displaying Lace

Suggestions about how to display pieces of lace in plastic sleeves, safe postage methods for proficiency, stiffening, and comments from judges.

Display Lace

No pin/glue samples.
Q:  When this list first started, someone recommended a way of fixing lace Continue reading

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Designing Lace

What constitutes an original design, how to design, polar graphs and adaptations from straight to polar designs.

Designing lace

I used the outline of a cross stitch design in a book, and drew it up , with an extra Continue reading

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Notes on crochet hooks.


I used to sell Clover crochet hooks made of wood, they came in a roll up case with all sizes  in it.I think either Birch or  Sullivan supplied them. I can Continue reading

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A discussion on copyright.


As far as copyright goes, I’m pretty sure that if you give a pattern for publication in the Guild magazine you are effectively allowing that pattern to be reproduced by guild members. The copyright always Continue reading

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Review of the book Modeles de Dentelle au Fuseau Cluny.

I have bought myself a lovely book at the lace weekend called modeles de
Dentelles au Fuseau Cluny by Didier Carpenter – it all in French my schoolgirl french Continue reading

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