Armenian Nutmeg Cake

Armenian Nutmeg Cake

1 cup plain flour

1cup Self Raising Flour

125g butter

2 cups brown sugar (lightly spooned

Into cup)

1 level teasp Bicarb soda

1cup milk

1 egg

1Teasp grated nutmeg (I use a bit more but also grate my nutmeg)

½ cup walnuts chopped

Sift flours into bowl rub in soft butter, stir in brown sugar. Put ½ mixture into lined or greased lamington tin, spread evenly, press down lightly. Add soda dissolved in milk, egg & nutmeg into the rest of the mixture in the bowl, mix well, pour over mixture in tin, sprinkle with walnuts, and bake in moderate oven (180C) for about 40 minutes. I used almonds because I had no walnuts but use what nuts you like. This keeps very well –used the first one in over a week.