Ebb ‘n’ Flow: Lace, Place, and Climate. Jane Atkinson, 2018. Soft cover, 64 pp. ISBN 978-0-9551512-2-4. Webfoot Books, Christchurch, Dorset. From the author, £17.
This is the book of the exhibition of the same name and features the wonderful “brackish” work of Jane Atkinson – firmly based in traditional bobbin lace but colliding with a freedom of expression that enables her to capture not only the common plants of her environment, but the devastating effects of climate change on the spaces and waterways of her daily walk. There are 16 works by Jane, but also works and insights from eight other lacemakers, including Anne Dyer, Sylvia Piddington, Lauran Sundin and Pierre Fouché. In this exhibition it’s all bobbin lace, even the wire work of trained goldsmith Hanne Behrens. An inspiration to attempt your own self-expression in lace.