Thread Chart

This chart is based on assessing threads by wrapping the thread around a solid object, like a pencil, between two marks 1cm (10mm) apart, and counting how many wraps it takes (Wraps Per Centimetre).  All the threads below can be found in Brenda Paternoster’s book, “Threads for Lace”.


Thread WPC Footside

pins mm



DMC Perle 3 8 12 6
DMC Perle 5 12 10 5
DMC Cordonnet 10 16 8 4
DMC Cordonnet 20 17 7 3.5
DMC Perle 8 17 8 4
Finca 20 19 6 3
DMC Cordonnet 30 20 6 3
DMC Perle 12 21 6 3
DMC Cordonnet 40 22 6 3
DMC Cordonnet 60 24 5 2.5
Finca 30 27 4 2
Gutermann Quilting thread 28 4 2
Finca 40 29 4 2
Tanne 30 29 4 2
DMC Cordonnet 80 30 4 2
Brok 36/3 30 4 2
Gutermann Sulky CA02776 30 4 2
DMC Cordonnet 100 32 4 2
DMC Broder Machine 30 32 4 2
Finca 50 34 3.5 1.75
Brok 60 or 60/2 36 3.5 1.7
Finca 60 38 3 1.5
Tanne 50 39 3 1.5
Gutermann 100% cotton 40 3 1.5
DMC Broder Machine 50 42 2.8 1.4
Finca 80 43 2.8 1.4
Tanne 80 50 2.4 1.2
Finca 100 54 2 1



All threads above are cottons.  Brenda’s book covers every type of thread imaginable.

“Finca” is Presencia Finca Bolilos thread, my favourite.

“Tanne” is Madeira Tanne cotton, no longer easily available.

“DMC Cordonnet” is crochet thread.   (DMC “Cebelia” is too soft for bobbin lace)

“DMC Broder Machine” is no longer easily available, but often quoted in older books.