ROMANIAN POINT also called “Macramé lace”
The Romanian Point Lace – is a craft used by the Romanian women to enrich their home decor by creating doilies, tablecloths, runners, curtains, decorative pillows and/or framed as pictures. Cotton thread commonly available is used to create traditional designs. The art is passed from mother to daughter, and the valuable pieces are passed from one generation to another.
The Romanian Point Lace is unique in Europe and is recognized for its intricate crochet and needle lace work combination. “Romanian Point Lace (known in Europe as Macramé) is a tape lace like Battenburg, with a supple crochet cord taking place of the tape. It is created of a carefully placed hand crocheted cord basted to the intricate design. The areas between cords are filled with needle-made lace. Often crocheted elements as bullion stitch, leaves, grapes and berries are included in the design.” Lately a new level of beauty has been added to some tablecloths and doilies, by inserting petite point in the item.