Pretty Binche

Pretty Binche

By Steffi Reinhardt, Katrin Zschoche.

“All sorts of little things in Binche Technik”

Text in German, with some English translations.

ISBN 783743 165472.

A5 format, soft cardboard cover, 56 pages.

B&W, with some coloured pages of working diagrams with Belgian colour coding.

A collection of simple, small outlines containing Binche snowflakes, Point de Paris (kat stitch) and finally some clothwork with kat stitch and/or snowflake surrounds.

All motifs are only tiny, about 5cm across.

Although the book claims not to be an instruction manual, the working diagrams are so clear that a beginner in Binche techniques could learn a lot.

I bought mine from (who list it under Manuals) for 14.90 Euros.

Noelene   21/10/2020