Lady Penelope Wins Again…
The bobbins are loaded, the pricking is done
The pincushion is bristling with pins.
There’s a picture of what the whole thing looks like
And the big new adventure begins.
Dive in with abandon, don’t let the time waste
A new project is such a delight.
Hang in those new bobbins, make the pins fly
I’ll have them all in by tonight.
But now I work down to where two trails meet
I find one is just not the right stitch.
My picture says cloth stitch for the one on the right
But the left one is proving a glitch.
So Lady Penelope comes to the fore
And backwards I go with my twist
Cross to the left, take out the pin
Back to where two pairs had kissed
Then forwards again, with vigour renewed
To the end of the long and straight trail.
But what’s this I find, I’m a whole pair short
Penelope’s looking quite pale!
So back lacing I go to the very first bit
Where the last pairs of bobbins were hung.
I’d missed hanging one on the edge of the trail
Must have been when the telephone rung.
Now bobbins are all in their right proper place
The pincushion’s bereft of its pins.
The first repeat’s done, and the second begun
I’ve conquered, and Penelope wins.