Flowers for Window and Table
Blumen fur Fenster und Tisch
(Flowers for window and table) by Christine Mirecki.
Review by Helene.
The author presents her own designs in a sort of floral torchon which looks extremely appealing, particularly in colour, as most of her designs are. Before you recoil in horror at the idea of making curtains for a window, let me tell you that each curtain consists of several panels, each measuring between 13cm wide by 36cms high, and 18.5cms wide by 40cms high, the size, (3 different sizes presented), depending on the thread selected.
Each panel stands on its own, or can be joined to other panels (depicting different flowers) to cover a wider surface. They can also be joined together in a circle to form the skirt of a tablecloth. There are also 8 different flower designs for tablecloths or mats, circular and straight with corner.
The author presents the panel designs in three separate parts, which makes it a bit fiddly to assemble your pricking, but it cuts down the repitition of the top and bottom parts of the panels, which are the same for each flower. Hurrah for photocopiers.
For those reluctant to work from a book in German, there is a double sheet translation in English (on the inside back cover). The patterns and diagrams are self-explanatory, anyway.