Fiandra a tre paia (Fiandra/Flanders in 3 pair)
by Diana Dussi
Soft cover, full colour, quarto size
64 pages.
Published by Barbara Fay in 2019
In Italian, German and English.
The Fiandra in the title could refer to the geographical area (Fiandra=Flanders), or the way the tape is formed without using pins except in special spots. Traditionally, the lace is worked only in white, but the author loves colour, and all designs in this book are in coloured threads.
There is a page of basic rules and tips, then some 20 pages of a clearly diagrammed exercise pattern, where each step is explained. This is followed by a 24 page section of patterns of motifs, some napkin corners, and a necklace, bracelet and earrings.
I purchased mine from AtelierMB for 29 euros.
Noelene 8/11/2020