Bees, Birds and Butterflies in Lace
by Edna Sutton and Mary Moseley.
128 pages. Mine is a hard-cover edition by Butler & Tanner for BT Batsford in 1991.
The patterns are made using many different styles of lace.
That means that the pattern for the BEE is in Torchon, Duchesse, Irish and Needlelace.
The DRAGONFLY is in Duchesse, Brussels tape, Irish and Crochet.
the LADYBIRD is also in four different styles.
The OWL, CRAKE, PUFFIN, MOTMOT and COCKEREL have three styles.
Then there are the butterflies: Australian x5, Hong Kong x 2, Hungarian x2, and Antiuan x3.
And the Hungarian moth x2.
Other lace styles used in within the book are: Brussels tape, crochet, Bruges flower lace, Binch, Valenciennes, Russian tape lace and also tatting.
On pages 126-127 there is a translation of basic “Lace Terms” from English to Dutch, French and Germany.
Review by Mary-Jo.