Ice Cream Christmas Puddings

Christmas Ice Cream 1

1 litre choc ice cream                                   100g marshmallows
1 cherry ripe                                                1 violet crumble
½ cup toasted Almonds                                 275g cherries
glazed pineapple                                           ½ cup cream (whipped)
2 tbls cherry liqueur                                     extra liqueur to soak cherries

Soak cherries in a small amount of cherry liqueur.  Cut marshmallows into quarters and cut cherry ripe, violet crumble into squares.  Slice almonds and pineapple.  Soften ice cream and add marshmallows, fruit and chocolates.  Stir well.  Add whipped cream and liqueur and fold through.  Place in a foil lined frozen dish and freeze.  Remove from freezer shortly before serving.


Christmas Ice Cream 2

2 ½ cups cream                                             115g icing sugar
60g almonds or walnuts                                 60g cherries
½ cup raisins                                                 60g peel
½ cup sultanas                                              4 egg whites
1 dessert spoon brandy                                 1 dessert spoon mixed spice
1 desert spoon cocoa                                    1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg                                        4 tablespoons hot water

Marinate fruit and spice in brandy over night.  Dissolve cocoa in hot water.  Beat egg whites and ½ sugar until stiff.  Beat cream and remaining sugar until soft peaks form.  Blend all ingredients together.       Place in 5 cup bowl lined with foil.  Freeze over night.  Unmould and decorate with cherries and walnuts or almonds to serve.



4oz margarine                                              ½ cup castor sugar
¾ cup cultured sour cream                            4 oz philli or cream cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice                                rind of 1 lemon
125g sultanas in 3 tbls brandy overnight        1 teaspoon vanilla
60g toasted almonds                                     100g block of Old Jamaica choc, chopped

Cream margarine and sugar.  Add cheese and cream.  Cream together with lemon juice and rind.  Fold in sultanas, nuts and chocolate.  Mould in foil lined bowl and set in the freezer.